Fresh from the first regional derby of the preseason, which saw the red and whites win all the sets played against Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina in a Eurosuole Forum animated by a fair number of fans, the Cucine Lube Civitanova is observing a Sunday of rest waiting to start working again at full speed. A week is upon us with two more test matches in the form of training sessions. Giampaolo Medei’s men will return to the gym tomorrow (Monday 2 September) for a morning weights session in order to focus on technique in the afternoon, while the following day they will alternate athletics with technique in view of the challenge on Wednesday 4 September, i.e. joint training at 5.45pm at the Eurosuole Forum with the Smartsystem Essence Hotels Fano. On Thursday morning he will train again in the weight room, while in the afternoon there will be space for technique. Friday 6 September will increase the pressure with the second joint training session of the week, to be played at 5pm away (free entry, pitch to be defined) visiting the Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina.

Work program until Sunday 8 September

Monday: weights, technique.

Tuesday: athletics, technique.

Wednesday: rest, joint training VS Fano (5.45pm at the Eurosuole Forum).

Thursday: weights, technique.

Friday: technique, joint training VS Grottazzolina (5pm, pitch to be defined).

Saturday: rest.

Sunday: rest.