The first week of preparation for the Rinascita Volley Lagonegro has been completed.

The roster led by coach Pino Lorizio, with the technical session on Saturday afternoon, closed the first training cycle and will now be able to enjoy a regenerating Sunday of rest and relaxation.

A first week divided between work in the pool, weight room and gym, intense days useful to first of all improve the general physical condition and to find the first tactical fits between the players.

Lorizio appeared very satisfied when commenting on the first days of work: “Very positive week, the boys arrived at the retreat already quite ready from a physical point of view, they have enthusiasm and a great desire to work and they are transmitting it to all of us on the staff” .

Three confirmations (Fortunato, Armenante and Fioretti) and a large group of kids from other clubs: the main objective is to improve their understanding and unity.

Lorizio, from this point of view, is calm: “The new players are fitting in very well, I had already spoken with them during the summer and in training camp I found the right motivations to start this new experience: The veterans and the guys who were already with us last year they are helping them to immerse themselves in the Rinascita reality. I have a homogeneous group at my disposal, the right mix of experienced and very young players.”

Going into the specifics of the training sessions carried out so far, the coach explains: “We worked a lot on prevention, physical condition and individual technique. Over the weekend we concentrated on the first jumps, studying the first tactical movements but with an eye always attentive to the physical because in this phase of preparation it is important not to suffer injuries and to feel as good as possible.”

Preparation resumes on Monday 2 September: “In the next few days we will continue to work on prevention from a physical point of view – concludes Lorizio – we will return to the pitch for tactical exercises and improve the understanding between setters, spikers and central defenders, we try to find the first real square”.