The Olympians Aleksandar Nedeljkovic and Theo Faure have returned to Cisterna, to join the group that will be on stage today in Perugia at the Pala Barton for joint training against the Italian Champions.

This morning, in the historic setting of the Sala Zuccari of Palazzo Caetani, Cisterna Volley was received by the mayor of Cisterna Valentino Mantini and by the sports councilor Gaetana Capasso, to reward Theo Faure, fresh from winning the Olympic gold with France by coach Giani. A sporting success that brought prestige not only to Cisterna Volley, but to the entire community of Cisterna, which welcomed the French opposite in the figure of the mayor in the heart of the city.

Theo Faure was awarded with the Crest of Cisterna, a single piece of wood (number 24), representing the coat of arms of Cisterna di Latina. and with a parchment, signed by the mayor Valentino Mantini which reads: “Warmest congratulations and welcome back from the community of Cisterna di Latina, waiting to be able to celebrate the successes of Cisterna Volley together again”

“I am proud to give this award to a young man who, in addition to winning for his country, has also brought prestige to Cisterna Volley – says the mayor Valentino Mantini – I am happy to be able to reward young people like Theo, who with their will, passion and sacrifice, they are an example for other kids.”

Theo Faure was beaming at the Sala Zuccari, where he wanted to thank the entire community for sharing the prestigious sporting goal achieved: “I want to thank everyone for this award, from the city to the Cisterna Volley club, especially for the season we spent together last year and for the next seasons that we will experience together. Cisterna has given me a lot, this victory with the national team was possible thanks to the matches played here at the highest level.”

For Cisterna Volley, in addition to the opposite Theo Faure, the CEO Cristina Cruciani, the president Luigi Iazzetta, the councilor Paolo Cruciani and the sports director Candido Grande were present.