Emma Villas Siena continues its training: the objective is to build the chemistry of the group, which is largely renewed compared to last season, and to improve the quality of the team’s play. The team works under the orders of coach Gianluca Graziosi, the boys are getting to know each other.

“We started our work well in Cascia – is the comment of Emma Villas Siena’s libero, Federico Bonami, – where we had the opportunity to live a 24-hour experience. It was an opportunity to experience it outside of the volleyball court too. Getting to know each other as people first will allow us to get to know each other better as players too. I had excellent impressions from both the younger guys and the more experienced players who come from the Super League. The ingredients are there to create something good.”

Bonami again: “We are slowly regaining our rhythm – declares the libero of the Sienese team. – We will have to immediately combine quality and quantity, beating the iron to get into shape as quickly as possible. This is my third year on the team, experience is always a fundamental ingredient for a team but it’s not enough. It is just as important as the enthusiasm and desire to work of the younger kids. If we combine these two elements the fusion can be very powerful.”

Among the youngest elements of the group is the spiker Federico Pellegrini, who grew up in the Emma Villas Siena academy and is now in his second year in the white and blue first team. “I am proud to still be in the first team of this club – are his declarations – and I will continue my journey also in the Serie C team. I am getting to know the new teammates, on the roster there are volleyball players with great experience and notable quality, I will certainly be able to learn a lot from them. I will try to learn as much as possible. Already last year I think I grew up, as the months went by I loosened up and gained more and more confidence. I am very happy that coach Gianluca Graziosi is leading this team, a coach who is very good at helping young players grow: I learned a lot from him, he allowed me to mature also from a technical point of view and I can only thank him. His trust is obviously fundamental.”