The call of the places where you felt at home is always very strong. This is the case for Alessandro Bellucci who after a couple of years decided to wear the Volley Team Club shirt again: “In recent years – comments Alessandro-San Donà he has done well and when the sporting director Tassan called me I didn’t have it thought twice. Giannotti’s confirmation did the rest.”

Last week again at the PalaBarbazza: “Setting foot in the arena again was a blow to the heart, beautiful memories and some less beautiful ones resurfaced, but this is part of the game and sport.”

Bellucci met Moretti and his new teammates: “The coach is someone who makes you work a lot, we will get along very well this year. Ours is a group that always wants to push its limits, it’s early to make predictions, but the start is very good. We must not have long-term objectives but always aim to raise the bar to the maximum.” (28)