Just one news and all confirmations in the healthcare staff of ErmGroup Volley Altotevere. Dr. Gianluca Neri continues to be the company’s healthcare manager, assisted by Dr. Enrico Sediari. The new face is that of the physiotherapist: Dr. Valentina Piervitali from Sansepolcro, to whom Volley Altotevere welcomes, thanking Antonio Foni for the seriousness and professionalism with which he carried out his task in the past season. Another important role – and present since last year – is that of Dr. Silvia Grazi, a professional specialized in injury prevention and functional motor and sports re-education, who also has the task of liaising with the technical staff. “We return to the starting line more motivated than ever – said Dr. Neri – and once again with a team of proven experience that will work alongside the team and technicians”.