Belluno Volley is about to get back into motion: in fact, the meeting at the Spes Arena is scheduled for Monday 26 August. Physical tests are scheduled for the morning, while in the afternoon (around 4pm) the first training session is scheduled under the orders of coach Matteo De Cecco and the rest of the staff. In this context, the company has also decided to organize a meeting with the press.

The start of preparation is therefore approaching. And, when the bell rings, fifteen athletes will be called to respond “present”: the setters Leonardo Ferrato and Francesco Guizzardi; the central defenders Michele Luisetto, Riccardo Cengia, Enrico Basso and Matteo Mozzato; the opposites Fabio Bisi and Stefano Antonio Guolla; the spikers Andrea Schiro, Enrico Guarienti Zappoli, Riccardo Mian, Alberto Saibene and Gianluca Loglisci. And the liberos Nicolò Bassanello and Gonzalo Martinez. Working alongside coach De Cecco, fresh from the splendid Olympic experience with the Slovenian national team, will be deputy Roberto Malaguti, athletic trainer Alessio Carraro and assistant Tommaso Pavan and physiotherapist Stefano Galifi, while Riccardo Zanolli, as team manager, it will be the trait d’union between the sphere linked to the field and the corporate one.

There are several new features, with nine incoming movements and the same number outgoing. But the news also involves the Serie A3 Credem Bianca championship, if it is true that the white group, this season, will be made up of ten teams: three less than last year. The official debut? It is set for Sunday 20 October, when the rhinos will face Personal Time San Donà di Piave in a high-voltage Venetian derby.