A new figure is added to the communications staff of Cosedil Saturnia Acicastello, that of Match Press Officer. Joining the team for the 2024/25 season is Catania journalist Federica Susini who, during all matches, will take care of the communication aspects linked to the journalistic reporting of the matches. Susini, a former volleyball player and expert in the world of men’s and women’s volleyball, collaborated for several years with the newspaper La Sicilia, reporting on the matches of the Sicilian volleyball teams. Federica Susini has also held the role of communications manager for various men’s and women’s volleyball teams, in the last season she reported on Catania Volley’s B1 from the sidelines.

Of his participation in the next biancoblu season he says: “Becoming part of such a high level staff is a source of great stimulus for me, a challenge that I can’t wait to face. Cosedil Saturnia Acicastello is a well-structured company, made up of volleyball professionals who put passion and enthusiasm first, which are also decisive characteristics of my way of working. I already know several members of the company staff and it is a pleasure to meet in particular the Honorary President Nello Greco, an authentic symbol of Catania volleyball, with with whom I have already had the opportunity to collaborate. I thank the president Luigi Pulvirenti for the opportunity. In addition to having a deep respect for him on a professional level, I would like to express my admiration for what he has managed to achieve with Saturnia. , bringing top volleyball back to Catania. I am sure that by pursuing this path the Catania movement will be able to continue to have expression at high levels”.