Gioiella Prisma Volley and the Sicurmed Occupational Medicine firm will be partners for the 2024-25 season.

It was 2011 when Dr. Ennio Barnaba, an occupational doctor, decided to invest in the Taranto area, opening the Occupational Medicine practice which he named SICURMED SRL.

From his first steps as a Competent Doctor for small local entities, in 2022 alone he reached 4737 workers visited.

Today it can count on the collaboration of technical figures specialized in corporate security and on a structured and competent team: reception, secretarial, back office and administration.

The customer can contact the studio by telephone on 099 4492233 and 3317779971 or can send an email to; the first step is a telephone interview in which information is collected regarding the activity carried out and the number of employees to be visited. The administration will then take care of developing an economic offer suited to the characteristics of the company.

Upon acceptance of the offer, the secretariat will take care of defining the appointment agenda with the customer while the acceptance will need to collect useful information for the inclusion of the company and employees in the MDL portal.

Once the medical visits have been carried out, the company will receive all the documentation relating to health surveillance, including suitability assessments, and the administration will take care of sending the invoice for the services performed.

Maximum processing time is 1 week, from acceptance of the offer to delivery of suitability assessments.

The studio is located in Taranto in viale Magna Grecia 117.

The words of Dr. Barnaba: “For years we have been close to Gioiella Prisma as the Taranto25 Foundation, and this year Sicurmed also became part of the family to support and share the healthy values ​​of sport. We have been close to volleyball in Taranto for some time and to help this movement grow we are increasingly convinced of making ourselves available to the rossoblù team, even my children are very passionate and we are the first supporting fans, which always sees us in the front row at matches with great enthusiasm. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Boninfante but I know that it is a certainty together with Samuele Papi and all the staff who have remained unchanged. I am sure that this year will bring us great satisfaction and that the Tarantino public will come in large numbers to support the team and see great champions compete at PalaMazzola”.