Campobasso will mark a possible watershed in his career. Closing the spikers department at EnergyTime Spike Devils Campobasso, for what will be the first season in Serie A3 Credem Banca for the ‘little devils’, there will be Vittorio D’Amico, twenty-six year old Calabrian spiker of 190 centimeters with a long career behind him in series B and now the adventure in the new category.

«Inside me – he explains – I have extremely positive feelings. This is a great opportunity and I am very motivated. I can’t wait to start preparing and I live the situation with that good anxiety, that is, the desire of those who can’t wait to deal with this new context.”

An element devoted to second-line fundamentals, D’Amico speaks of himself as a spiker «who has his favorite fundamental in receiving with the strong awareness of having to work in attack, not so much on height considering my physical qualities , as well as on the depth of the blow and in the use of the hands of the opponent’s block”.

Within a group that arrives after a historic season with successes on every front, D’Amico experiences the situation not as a burden, but as «a fair responsibility. The fans have been well accustomed to it and it is right that they want a team capable of continuing to do their part on the pitch. For my part and my teammates, it will be crucial to repay the trust that the club has given us, honoring the championship and the shirt and entering the field, in all circumstances, to display the maximum of our potential and repay the club for its trust. placed throughout the workforce.”

As a player accustomed to the cadetteria fields, he will also have to experiment with a calendar with matches during the Christmas period, one of which is on Boxing Day.

«The calendar poses this situation that I have never experienced. It will be a new experience and we will have to be good at managing situations as best as possible with the staff in a central period of the regular season because it is linked to the start of the second half of the season.”

In an intricate group like the ‘Blue’ one in A3, the public component can also have a fundamental value.

«The fans represent the extra gear. A crowd present and ready to support you at all times is something fantastic and – last season – the team was able to convey a lot of affection around itself. The objective, in this tournament, will be to continue to give them emotions.”