New name and therefore also new logo for Volley Altotevere, which again with the ErmGroup name will participate in the national Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. The shield remains quite similar, in terms of impact, to the previous one: hexagonal shape, light blue background at the top and blue-white stripes at the bottom, with the writing Volley Altotevere in the middle. In the upper part, from the left, are reproduced the Bufalini Castle of San Giustino, the outline of the cathedral of Città di Castello with its bell tower and the civic tower and then the Torre di Berta, which remains the symbol of Sansepolcro even if it has been demolished 80 years ago during the war. A tribute to the three municipalities of the Tuscan-Umbrian Upper Tiber Valley area, which also hosted the matches of the Under 19 men’s national finals in May. The other novelty concerns the positioning of the ball, “raised” in partial overlap with the monuments mentioned above and with segments of different colours: the white and red which recall the volleyball clubs of Città di Castello and Umbertide, the white and black for Trestina and the yellow with a blue border of the New Volley Borgo Sansepolcro, with the which a specific project has been started, of which further details will be provided in the coming days. “We believe we have created an effective and significant synthesis of our precise message – commented the CEO Claudio Bigi – that of a valley association, which brings together and at the same time individually recognizes the other realities active in the same discipline, giving the idea of ​​a union that has the aim of growing volleyball in an area with great potential and with a “flagship” club that plays in the A3 Series for the third year in a row”.