The march towards the resumption of the championship begins for Plus Volleyball Sabaudia, the team led by coach Nello Mosca who will participate in the A3 series men’s volleyball championship. Among the confirmations of the team that closed last season on a high note is Samuel Onwuelo, the 198 centimeter spiker who has already played ten seasons in Serie A in his career and who is preparing to live his next adventure in the Pontine team with great intensity .

«I am very happy to still be here in Sabaudia and I want to thank the club for the trust they have placed in me, I consider this very important for the contribution that I will continue to give to this club – clarifies Samuel Onwuelo who in his career has played for many years in Modena (two of which in the first team in Serie A1) and in Cisterna always in the top series – We have to start again from the good things we did last year with an important finish, and from that we will have to build our certainties, of course the team will be a little different from the one that finished last season but I’m sure there are the elements to do well. In Sabaudia I got along very well with my teammates and the staff, this is certainly very important for me. My goal? Always giving my all to push the team to achieve its objectives and I am sure that there is ample room for growth for everyone, including myself, which is also why it will be very important to start the preparation with the right determination and then continue to push even on occasion of test matches, until the start of the championship. What season do I expect? Certainly complicated because there are teams that have strengthened a lot and have ambitions to move up, while we will first of all try to consolidate our project and then evaluate whether there are possibilities to aspire to something more.”

In his ten seasons in Serie A he boasts a score of 202 matches and 82 victories, with 2,176 points scored (164 aces and 141 blocks) between the regular season, play-offs and the Italian Cup. Onwuelo, born in Lagos, Nigeria, but with an Italian passport, is a management engineer and is also a great lover of books and music.