Having completed the definition of the roster for the next A3 Credem Banca championship, Rinascita Lagonegro is pleased to announce a welcome confirmation within the technical staff led by coach Pino Lorizio: this is the physical trainer Vincenzo Ghizzoni, a true Lagonegrese, a career alongside the president Nicola Carlomagno and the red and white club. The twelfth season begins for him with the Rinascita jersey.

A trust consolidated over time and built thanks to his undisputed professionalism and renewed motivation year after year:  “I am happy to still be part of the Rinascita family, a now stable and strong reality in Serie A – says Ghizzoni – every season I start again with great enthusiasm ”.

While waiting for the official debut of the preparation, scheduled for August 22nd, Ghizzoni has already started planning the work and finalizing the first details: “I had the opportunity to contact all the players, already involved in a personal training program: the season will be tough, but we will certainly be protagonists. The roster has been well built by the club and the coach, we have the right mix of young people and experts who I hope will maintain their value: there are all the conditions for having a great season. As a staff, for our part, we can guarantee seriousness, professionalism and a lot of enthusiasm.”