From the youth sector to the first team. Avimecc Modica has promoted Davide Tomasi to the first team and completes the roster available to coach Enzo Distefano who will face the next A3 series championship.

For the class of 2005, product of the “cantera” of the white and blue team, the right reward for what was achieved with the youth team of the “Galletti” which participated in the national finals in the under 19 category and with the second white and blue team with which he won as a protagonist the playoffs of the Serie D championship and therefore arriving in Serie C.

“Davide Tomasi – explains the president of Avimecc Modica, Ezio Aprile – is a boy we believe in a lot. He arrived in Modica two years ago, thanks to the ongoing collaboration with Lucia Invincibile’s Free Volley Vittoria. He’s a guy with great perspective who has truly made giant strides with us in recent years. He has grown a lot and all the management and technical staff believe in him a lot and within two years all his sacrifices have been repaid with his inclusion in the first team roster. Tomasi – he continues – is a young man who works a lot and applies a lot in every training session and above all he has always been very respectful. He was able to combine his studies with volleyball and never held back when the coaches called him in past years both to train with the A3 series and to play in the D series and under 19. with the second team he was one of the protagonists of the promotion to Serie C and – concludes Ezio Aprile – I believe that his move to Serie A3, naturally without abandoning the youth sector and his teammates, is fully deserved”.

For the young central defender, therefore, the possibility of continuing to grow at 360° following the advice of the technical staff and his more experienced teammates.

“Naturally – declares Davide Tomasi – I am very happy to have been added to the first team and to be part of a very united group that I got to know last season, when in some circumstances I was called to train with them. They are formidable guys with whom I felt at ease and who made me grow and above all have fun. My goal – he continues – is to improve more and more from all points of view and not just volleyball. The A3 series championship, which I will play for the first time, but which I have been following for some time, is becoming more and more competitive year after year and as far as I’m concerned I will always do my best to try to be useful to the team’s cause.