Zuccarello, entrepreneur in the printing and advertising sector with Printzone, a company that had already supported Saturnia in its sporting journey last year, municipal councilor and vice-president of the municipal council of Misterbianco (Catania) for three years, has decided to embrace the project biancoblu and states: “It is an opportunity that fills me with joy and I thank the president Luigi Pulvirenti for the trust shown, the vice president Santino Scirè, to whom I am linked by a long friendship, and all the management staff, who are carrying forward an exciting project.”

“For me – adds Zuccarello – it is a further personal challenge in my life path. Volleyball is the first sport I practiced and joining this project gives me energy and adrenaline. I plan to bring it closer, in the strongest possible way , the companies in this project always trying to network and involving them with dedicated initiatives throughout the championship The life of a sports club and that of an entrepreneurial activity have many points in common when it comes to conveying your brand and this sport. wonderful, with the top team of Sicilian volleyball, it will be the key to everything.”