After introducing the new protagonists on the court, it is time to present the figures who will support the team.

The person who will assist the new technical manager Michele Totire and act as his deputy on the A3 series bench, as well as also taking care of youth groups, will be the Turin-born Edoardo Melato. Despite his 23 years, he already has an interesting “kit” behind him:

“I started working in the gym at a very young age as an assistant in the minivolleyball and U12/13 groups. As soon as my age allowed me to do so I took the various coaching qualifications and also began the journey as first coach with the youth teams, focusing mainly on the wing u15. In the last 4 years I have always been in direct contact with the first Serie B teams (first with PVL and then with Sant’Anna) as a scoutman and assistant.

This, combined with the experience with the Piedmont Regional selection, allowed me to further expand my knowledge and skills in the gym. To add another piece to my journey as a coach, this summer I followed the third degree course in Cavalese which left me with many confirmations and important food for thought. For next season I can’t wait to get involved in the gym in a new reality like that of Acqui Terme!”

At just 23 years old, being able to hold the role of second coach in the third step of the top national league is not for everyone.

A call that came unexpectedly but which did not catch coach Edoardo Melato unprepared, who already has very clear and ambitious goals: “My goal has always been to “forge ahead” and find myself gaining high-level experiences as soon as possible. possible, the call with the A3 series came quite unexpectedly this summer and I jumped at it. The role of second coach is an absolute novelty for me but I believe I can learn a lot inside and outside the gym over the course of this year both from Michele Totire and from the players I will find myself working with, adding ever greater knowledge and awareness in the work to be done in the field”