«I’m happy to wear the rossoblù colors again – he argues – also because the last one, in the regional capital, was a truly superlative season, between winning the championship and affirmation in the Italian Cup and it was right then to defend the category achieved on the field» .

A tournament – that of A3 – which is nothing new for the player, protagonist for three consecutive years with Aversa.

«It is a category that I know well – he confirms – and that, together with my teammates, we will try to maintain in every way, trying to grow further during the season. Undoubtedly, due to the conformation of the staff, the ‘Blue’ group has something more than the white one, also due to the many elements who have come down from A2 to disengage in the category”.

On their side, however, the ‘little devils’ will have a magical 2023/24 behind them which led them to impose themselves both in the regular season and in the playoffs, as well as in the Italian Cup.

«We have a great responsibility on our shoulders – acknowledges Diana – but it is also true that what we have done has created a lot of enthusiasm around the discipline in the city. The fans have grown more and more and together we have achieved this goal. Now it’s about keeping this enthusiasm strong because together with their support we can go far.”

In a squad that promises to be deep, especially in the centre, there will be some ‘elbowing’ to do. «This – says the Alto Molise seat three – will be an incentive to always do better. The championship with a fast pace and with many difficulties to face will undoubtedly require being able to have more than a six plus one of elements useful to the cause”.

Among other things – in a seamless championship – for Diana there will also be the particularity (26 December) of playing on her name day.

«It’s something I already knew – he argues – but it’s the nice part of top-flight tournaments also because on those festive days there is the possibility of being able to count on an even larger audience and this is good for volleyball ».

As for the objectives, the intent is «to achieve the team’s goals. Personally, however, I want to demonstrate that I can fully compete in the category.”