It’s a short step from the youth sector to the first team, when there is talent and a desire to assert itself. The Lagonegro Rinascita has officially signed up Vincenzo Simone, a Lucanian setter born in 2008, who will therefore be a full part of the group available to Mister Lorizio for the start of the season now upon us.

Vincenzo deserved this opportunity following the excellent results obtained over the years with the youth teams and after starting his journey within the Rinascita world at the age of just five: in 2019 he won the Under 12 national championship, then two consecutive Under 15 titles at regional level (2021 and 2022), finally two Under 17 regional championships in 2023 and 2024.

During last season, Lorizio often gave him the opportunity to join the group and start to taste Serie A, demonstrating the extreme trust he places in his qualities. And today, he is ready to permanently wear the number 8 shirt of the first team.

“For me it is an honor to join the Lagonegro roster – says an emotional Vincenzo – it is the fulfillment of a dream I had as a child. I thank coach Lorizio, president Carlomagno and the entire club for this enormous opportunity that was given to me, I will do everything to ensure that this trust is reciprocated. I can not wait to start”.