At the Volley Mercato of Bologna, among the various budgets presented by the Serie A Volleyball League relating to the now concluded 2023/2024 season, there was also the one concerning the theme of SPECTATORS.

Cuneo Volley is officially in the national Top Ten of Serie A, considering the Super League, A2 and A3 championships. With 18,419 total spectators (home games) during the Regular Season, the Cuneo club is at the top of the table in its Serie A2 championship and in 10th place in the general one, ahead of three teams in the Super League.

A very important index for the Biancoblù club which in recent years has activated many projects and collaborations to involve fans and to bring new things to the public arena to be passionate about, starting from the schools and sports clubs of both volleyball and other sports present in the area.

Furthermore, in the Ranking of Games by Number of Spectators of the A2 Series, Cuneo Volley is present continuously from 1st to 4th place:

1st place
9th return day – CUNEO vs SIENA – 1,864 spectators (featured photo)
2nd place
1st day of return – CUNEO vs GROTTAZZOLINA – 1,731 spectators
3rd place
8th return day – CUNEO vs PORTO VIRO – 1,666 spectators
4th place
11th return day – CUNEO vs ORTONA – 1,655 spectators