The young Gianmarco Italia has been reconfirmed by Avimecc Modica and will continue his growth path under the protective wings of coach Enzo Distefano who still wanted him on his roster.

For the class of 2007, what is about to begin will be his second season in Serie A3 where he made his debut last championship making 14 appearances.

For him, in addition to his debut in the first team, the victory in the playoffs of the Serie D championship and the promotion to Serie C and the second place in the region with the under 19 team of the “Galletti” with relative arrival at the national stage and the opportunity to be able to compete with athletes from renowned teams. Making use of the regulation regarding the youth sector, thanks to the loan to Gupe Catania, Italia also won the regional title with the under 17 Etna team, also participating in the national phase.

“From this new season in Serie A3 – declares Gianmarco Italia – I expect to improve both from a technical point of view, having the opportunity to train with quality and experienced people, and on a character level, taking the advice of my teammates as my own. larger. Being the smallest athlete in the group – he continues – I will repay everyone, but in particular coach Distefano and the management who have placed their trust in me by always giving 200% in training and on the pitch when I am called upon. As a team – concludes Gianmarco Italia – we aim to improve what we did last season and I believe that there are all the conditions to be able to achieve our objectives”.

Among those happiest with Gianmarco Italia’s reconfirmation in the first team is certainly the manager responsible for the Modica youth sector Giorgio Scavino who knows the young spiker well and has always believed in his qualities from the first moment.

“Gianmarco Italia – explains Giorgio Scavino – has great physical qualities that he almost always manages to exploit, but above all he has a spirit of total self-sacrifice for volleyball. This desire to always improve – he continues – led him to make his debut in Serie A3 at the age of sixteen and to maintain the high pace of the Third Series even in training and to always be present, punctual and attentive, but without neglecting the Serie D championship and the championships. youth, where he was the protagonist together with his peers.