Alessandro Chinello will still be part of the first team of the Pink Devils, he will be the deputy Jurić in place 2 in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship for the 2024/25 season.

He completed his first experience in Serie A with a crescendo, important technical work and a great desire to always get involved which led the club to his reconfirmation, he who had already proved to be a point of reference during his youth career.

Having arrived at Diavoli three years ago, in his first year with the rosanero he immediately boasted the title of Under 17 Italian Champion in the 2022/23 season, and then continued with two silver medals, in Under 19 and Under 20 Junior League, and promotion to Serie B last season.

And now we start again with reconfirmation in the first team where Alessandro Chinello born in 2006 will have to earn an increasingly leading role, as he has done in his youth career so far, with the full trust of the whole club.

Assistant coach Massimo Piazza, already his coach last season, comments on Chinello’s reconfirmation in the first team: “Alessandro is a boy who grew a lot during the last season, especially at the end of the season, where he found a lot of pitch and did see its important qualities. He is a player with strong offensive skills who I am sure will be able to put at the service of the team. The season that is about to begin is his second in Serie A and as with all young players the goal is to work hard to continue their growth path as best as possible. I am sure that Alessandro will be able to make the most of every opportunity and carve out important spaces during the races. I wish Alessandro and all the guys good luck for the new start of the season.”

Chinello’s greeting: “I am very happy to have been reconfirmed in the first team for this season. My first experience in Serie A last year was beautiful and intense; I learned a lot and I feel like I’ve grown a lot as a player. This reconfirmation represents for me a great vote of confidence from the club and further motivates me to give my best every day. This year I expect to continue to improve  and as for the team, we aim to achieve some good goals. See you on the pitch, next season stronger than before. Go Devils.”