Gioiella Prisma Taranto launches the new season ticket campaign for the 2024/2025 season, entitled “Forza Sette: Due Mari di Emozioni Rossoblù”. An evocative title that recalls the strength and resistance necessary to face a force seven sea, with imposing waves reaching from 6 to 9 meters, similar to the challenges that await the team in the next Super League championship.

The Sea Forza Sette and the Team

The sea forces seven is not just a metaphor, but represents the difficulties and turbulence that the seven players on the field will have to manage during the season. Just like an expert sailor who faces rough seas with skill and determination, our athletes prepare to navigate the high waves of competition, overcoming every obstacle with courage and cohesion.

Gioiella Prisma Taranto gets on board this ship, a sporting adventure of great value, with the knowledge that the support of the fans will be fundamental to maintaining the course towards success. The rossoblù public, with its passion and warmth, represents the lighthouse that guides the team in moments of difficulty, offering the push needed to achieve important goals.

Subscription prices

To experience all the emotions of the season, the company offers several subscription options:

– **Full price**: 180 euros plus €3 presale

– **Reduced**: 100 euros plus €3 presale (available for young people under 18)

Children up to 8 years: free entry

Season tickets valid for all competitions: Regular Season and any preliminary phases of the Italian Cup and play offs

Launch date and where to buy

Forza Sette: Due Mari di Emozioni Rossoblù will start on 25 July 2024

Subscriptions can be purchased starting from 25 July and until 25 August at the Pausa Caffè tobacco bar located in viale Trentino 5B in Taranto, at the Bar Coffee Time located in via Principe Amedeo 172 in Taranto or on the website

Ticket Prices

Full price ticket €18+€2 presale.

Reduced ticket under 18 €10 + €2 presale.

Children up to 8 years old free.

Statement by President Bongiovanni

The president of Gioiella Prisma Taranto, Tonio Bongiovanni, released a heartfelt statement to invite the whole city to support the team:

“We are ready to face a new season, aware of the challenges that await us. Like a sailor preparing to face the force seven sea, our players are ready to give their all on the pitch. The support of our fans will be instrumental in navigating through difficulties and reaching new goals.