The Volley Market, an annual event organized by the Lega Serie A volleyball league, held at the Zanhotel & Meeting Centergross in Bentivoglio (BO), ended yesterday. To conclude the event, in addition to the presentation of the calendars of the next championships, which represent the 80th edition of the Men’s Volleyball Championship, the awards for the 2023/2024 season took place.

The President of Macerata Volleyball Gianluca Tittarelli collected the award dedicated to the winning clubs of the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, presented by the President of the Serie A Volleyball League Massimo Righi and the Marketing Director of Credem Banca, title sponsor of the 80th Volleyball Championship, Maurizio Giglioli. “It is a recognition of the work of these years”, comments President Tittarelli, “The culmination of a beautiful year, of a ride towards the A2 which we always experienced at the top of the championship standings, up to the promotion finals against Gabbiano Mantova, won with an exciting comeback. This success is the result of many sacrifices on the part of everyone, the team, the staff, but also of the Club in all its components, it was a collective victory and with great pride we look forward to the next Serie A2 championship, satisfied to have brought Macerata back to the stage it deserves”.

There is a lot of enthusiasm for this return of Macerata Volleyball to A2, what championship will it be? “Our goal is to do well in the tournament ahead of us. DG Italo Vullo has built a team worthy of the category and brought important players and young players with great potential to Macerata. It is a group that starts again with many new features but we are happy, a great job has also been done in these months of building the roster and we are heading towards the start of the season with enthusiasm, hoping that the city will be close to us and join us to experience this new adventure in A2″.