Another young talent at the court of the Pink Devils. From the Lube youth team, the middle blocker, born in 2007, Nicola Zara arrives in Brugherio to play in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

203 centimeters tall, originally from Oristano, he then moved to the Marche where he lived through the youth ranks with the Cucineri club, immediately winning an under-15 scudetto in the 2021/22 season and then reaping successes also on an international level. It is with the Under 17 national team that Zara won the title of European Champion in 2023, a trophy preceded by the victory of the Wevza tournament, qualifying for the European championships, in which Zara was elected best central defender. To complete the picture, two seasons in Serie B, again with Lube, many other call-ups with the junior national teams and great satisfactions in his youth career.

A background that did not go unnoticed by the Pink Devils’ management. As an opponent in many youth battles, Nicola Zara now becomes part of the Rosanero family, ready to play a leading role in the A3 Series.

Coach Danilo Durand’s welcome: “A boy we often met in our youth career. Champion of Italy under 15 with Macerata, called up several times with the Italian national teams, Zara is a very interesting prospect who fully reflects the characteristics that young athletes must have to become part of our team. I am very happy to be able to work with him and that together with my staff we will be able to contribute to his further professional growth.”

Nicola Zara’s greeting: “I have known the Pink Devils for a few years now and I have always seen a great company that works for young people. When I had the first contacts with the company and they explained to me the project I would be part of, I immediately liked it and I am very happy to be part of this big family. Obviously for me it will be the first year in Serie A and this creates even more incentive for me to work hard and improve; my goal for this year will be to grow a lot as a player and I know that the club I have chosen will help me do this. In recent years we have often met on the pitch and they have always been great matches that have brought both joy and sorrow, but every time I have always noticed the desire and determination with which they played and I think this is a very important characteristic that we have in common. . I greet all the fans and I can’t wait to see many of them at the stadium.”