On the afternoon of Thursday 18 July 2024, the Serie A Volleyball League released the calendars for the 2024/2025 sports season of the Superlega, Serie A2 and Serie A3 championships (divided into the White and Blue groups).


Sieco Service Impavida Ortona was included in the central/south Blue Group, making it the northernmost team in the group. The Blue Group will therefore be composed as follows:

Energy Time Campobasso
BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte
JV Gioia Del Colle
Lagonegro rebirth
Aurispa Lecce
Avimecc Modica
Team Volleyball Naples
Sieco Service Ortona
SportSpecialist Reggio Calabria
Plus Volleyball Sabaudia
Folgore Massa Sorrento

The odd number of teams that make up this group inevitably means that each team will have a day of rest in turn. It should be underlined that the dates are, for now, indicative and that they may undergo variations in day and time over the weekends.

We will start on October 13th, a week earlier than the white group. That day Sieco Ortona will make its home debut with Sabaudia’s Plus Volley. This is the progression of the challenges that the Ragazzi Impavidi will have to face (home games in bold):

(1) Plus Volley Sabaudia – (2) Folgore Massa Sorrento – (3) JV Gioia Del Colle – (4) Avimecc Modica – (5) Rinascita Lagonegro – (6) BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte – (7) Aurispa Lecce – (8) ) Gaia Energy Napoli – (9) Energy Time Campobasso – (10) Rest Day – (11) SportSpecialist Reggio Calabria.

«The calendar, the succession of races is a relative factor at the moment», comments Coach Francesco Denora. «Match after match, week after week, many variables come into play based on the moments, the players’ state of form and anything unexpected that may occur».

«Happy to make my debut at home. The first day is always special and breaking the ice in front of our audience will certainly be more advantageous. We will immediately have two very interesting matches with important teams like Sorrento and in particular Gioia del Colle which in my opinion is the favorite of the tournament. It will be a stimulating, fun and top-level championship, where winning away will be complicated. Away victories will certainly play a fundamental role in the tournament. Our goals are important, we must be good at managing moments, giving them the right weight and thinking one step at a time. We must not take any match for granted and that the only judge in the end is the pitch. What certainly must not be missing is the ambition and desire to improve day by day.”

You can download the Complete Calendar of the A3 SERIES 2024/2025 season from this link.