The Serie A Volleyball League data relating to attendance and takings in the arena in the past season have been released.
We already knew it, but a very pleasant confirmation has arrived: the yellow-blue crowd, masterfully led by Curva Berto Forza Passerotti, confirms itself as an authentic Top Player, placing itself in second place for attendance and also for takings in the regular season.
An incredible result considering that the comparison takes place with historic cities with a great volleyball tradition such as Ravenna, Cuneo, Siena and Reggio Emilia, just to name a few.
The numbers relating to attendance in the regular season place Tinet in second place in terms of total attendance with 13,178 spectators, an average of over 1000 per game. Same position regarding takings. The Boxing Day match against Porto Viro was the fifth most watched of the season among all the A2 fields with 1640 spectators and brought in the second highest revenue ever.