Coach Gianluca Graziosi in Siena to prepare for the next sports season. The Emma Villas Siena transfer market is practically over, with confirmations in the roster that reached the playoff final of the A2 championship last season and new signings. The latest signing in chronological order was the 29-year-old Brazilian spiker Alan Patrick Araujo. Thursday will be the day on which the tournament calendar will be announced, the first official moment of the new sports season: the calendars will be made official during the three-day volleyball market that will take place in Bologna. The preparation of the biancoblu team will instead begin in the second half of August.

“I am really happy with the team we have set up – these are the words of coach Gianluca Graziosi. – The objective was to raise the technical bar compared to last season. I believe that the company has worked in an important way. Now it’s up to us on the field to demonstrate how much good has been done in the summer transfer market, and we will have to do it through the work we will be asked to do day after day in the gym.”

Coach Gianluca Graziosi continues: “What we have set up is certainly a different squad compared to last season – says the coach of Emma Villas Siena. – We tried to enrich the team with experienced players, with volleyball players used to playing matches of a certain level. I think we have managed to work in this direction. We will therefore have a less young team, we have raised the index and the level of experience to be able to play important matches.”

In the Sienese jersey he remains a core member of the group that reached the playoff final against Grottazzolina: “We wanted to start again from the good things we did last season – says coach Graziosi. – We would also have liked to keep a few more players, but we weren’t able to do so due to the market logic. But we have confirmed a good number of guys and this will also help us in bringing in the new ones. We will have to train as best we can, keep our level as high as possible and then play. At the moment it is difficult to make predictions and say which teams could be favored to win the championship. What is certain is that the level of the A2 championship is rising year after year, this seems undoubted to me. There are many players, in our team as in other teams, who have moved from the Super League to the A2 championship. In my opinion, next season five or six teams will be able to compete on equal terms until the end of the championship.”