Great satisfaction in Padova. The number 17 from Padua, Luca Porro, was awarded the “Gianfranco Badiali” Award as the best Italian Under 23 player for the 2023_24 SuperLega season. This recognition, awarded through voting by the clubs of the season, represents a significant achievement for Luca and a source of great pride for our club.

The recognition, which constitutes a nice certificate of esteem for the spiker originally from Genoa, underlines the importance of the development of young athletes in the national volleyball panorama. Luca Porro, with his performances during the last season, during which he played 22 matches, 60 sets and totaling 157 points, demonstrated important growth from both a technical and athletic point of view.

“I am very happy for this award and I would like to sincerely thank the team for all the work done during the year. – Luca began – It was an intense season, full of commitment from everyone. Every training session, every match, every shared moment contributed to our growth as a team. I’m proud to be part of this group and I’m excited to continue working together next season. There will be many challenges ahead of us, but I am sure that with the same spirit and determination, we will be able to achieve our goals.”