Aurispa Lecce announces that it has reached an agreement for the hiring of place four spiker Dario Iannaccone.

The Roman winger born in 2001, 198 cm tall, comes from Tinet Prata of Pordenone, with whom he played in the last Serie A2 championship. Despite his young age, Iannaccone can already boast a wealth of experience in high-level teams and knows the A3 championship very well.

In fact, the new spiker from Aurispa Lecce made his debut in Serie A3 in the 2020/21 season with Smi Roma, after having completed his entire career in the youth sector of the Capitoline team. The following year he made the leap to A2, being signed by Siena, and then returned to compete in A3 with Aversa and, last season, with Pordenone in the second most important Italian championship.

“I welcomed the call from Aurispa Lecce – begins Iannaccone – in a very positive way and I was immediately very enthusiastic, because it is a club that has been playing in Serie A for many years and achieves important results every year. I was happy with the proposal and I was convinced by the project behind it. We are a young team and we will certainly have a great desire to work to improve. I personally know the captain, Tiziano Mazzone, with whom I played together when I was in Siena. He has a great personality, I’m happy to find him again and I don’t see myself meeting the rest of the group.”

As regards the team objective, Iannaccone says he is “very superstitious, we will establish step by step with the club, but obviously we always aim for the best possible result. I know that the Aurispa Lecce fans are very warm – he adds -, therefore I can’t wait to start the season and play in that arena.”

Therefore, thanks to the work of Sports Director Scarascia, what will be the roster available to Mr. Cavalera in the 2024/25 season takes shape. The company has, in fact, already announced the arrivals of the setters Giani and D’Alba, the central player Maletto, the opposite player Penna, as well as the reconfirmations of Deserio, Mazzone, Ferrini and Cappio.