Apart from the 2020/21 season, when he was forced to leave the area for work reasons, he has always worn the blue and white jersey since 2018. And now he will do it for the sixth time out of seven. Enough to reiterate that middle blocker Davide Stoppelli, born in 1992 and 198 centimeters tall, is more than ever the veteran of ErmGroup San Giustino, as well as a guarantee in every respect. For him too, therefore, it will be the third consecutive championship in the Serie A3 Credem Banca, where every time he was called on the taraflex – even in rather delicate situations and in tie-breaks – he always gave his contribution, especially on blocks. The 24 points scored in the past tournament, including an ace and 9 winning blocks, acquire greater weight since they proved decisive for the team’s result. “Being the veteran of the team is a source of happiness for me – declared “Stop” – also because it is the demonstration of the mutual trust that exists with the management, starting with the CEO Claudio Bigi and continuing with all the Pallavolo San staff. Justin. Living and working in Città di Castello, I also consider myself lucky to be able to play A3 practically on my doorstep. I am also flattered and stimulated by the fact that I can hope to once again lend a hand in achieving important objectives, in addition to those we have achieved previously, the result of the excellent work carried out every year.” And what do you think about the rejuvenation in the workforce this year? “Which is a big gamble, but I think the club made the right choice. Even if they are less experienced, young people have more energy in the final and key period of the season, so they become an added value. For the rest, I now know the two coaches well and I am sure that the third, Davide Marra, my teammate until recently, will be important at group level”. Sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli underlines the basic concept: “Davide’s confirmation – he says – is aimed at continuity. Regardless of the fact that last season his commitment during the weekly work was commendable, every time “Stop” was called into question he responded “present”. Not only that: in Marcianise he literally won us the match with his individual blocking choices, but in general he has always had an impact during the matches in which he was called into question.