The market  with a stunning shot scored by president Fabrizio Ruggiero. Sorrento has in fact won the competition from many clubs, to gain the services of the talented Labronian spiker Gianluca Cremoni. Born in 2007, the green and white new spiker is burning through all the stages: already the spearhead of the Lube Volley academy, he was the absolute protagonist of the triumph of the U17 national team at the European Championships in Podgorica. Captain of the Azzurri, 25 points on the scoresheet in the 3-1 final win against Bulgaria, and the icing on the cake was the award for best opposite player of the competition. He who is not a 2 role player, but knows how to multitask, making the most of all his talent. Now for him the collegiates, the Under 18 European Championship in Sofia, and then rushing to make PalAtigliana enthusiastic.

In Podgorica you won the U17 European Championship by scoring the match point and taking home the title of best opposite. How exciting was it, and what does it feel like to wear the national team jersey?

“Winning the European Championship was a great emotion, because it is the most important competition I have ever played so far. Closing the match was fantastic, because it means that all my teammates put their trust in me. The award for best opposite is a secondary thing, because what mattered was getting the title. Wearing the national team shirt is always a pleasure and an honor, because it means being among the best 14 athletes of your nation, and representing it wherever it plays. Furthermore, wearing the captain’s armband loads you with responsibility: you have to know how to lead the team, staying calm, and at the same time keeping all the various situations under control.”

Very intense summer, between colleges, the European Championship and then resumption of work here in Sorrento. With what spirit do you approach your next commitments?

“I am very enthusiastic about the new season, because I am arriving in a new category which is Serie A3, after having played for 2 years in Serie B. Sorrento is a splendid city, and I am sure it will welcome me in the best possible way. In Costiera there is a large company, supported by an important staff. I can’t wait to meet all my teammates and start the season with the support of the torrid Sorrentina.”