Two youth titles won with Consar: the Under 19 one last year and the Junior League two weeks ago. In between a season in A3 in Marcianise, with 44 points under his belt, with 5 aces and 5 blocks, to begin to breathe the climate and context of the greats. Now Giovanni Pascucci is ready to wear the Ravenna shirt again, the club where he grew up as a volleyball player, but this time becoming a permanent member of the first team.
“I am very happy to return home, to the team that I have always held in my heart – admits the 20-year-old spiker born on 10 February 2004 in Cesena, who passes down the volleyball dynasty of the Pascucci family being the son of Paolo, former Cervia and Forlì, and nephew of Stefano who played for many years in Serie A with Ravenna – and in which I took all my first steps. I also happened to have some training sessions with the first team group.” In addition to the enthusiasm and joy of returning home, there is also a legitimate desire for redemption in the young spiker. “The season in Marcianise didn’t end in the best way both because I had to miss the last two months due to injury and because in the end we were relegated, but it was an experience that helped me a lot to grow from a technical and technical point of view. human. This first experience away from home was very formative. Then there’s the anger over the injury I suffered to my left ankle on the very day I left for Bologna for the Junior League finals: I wasn’t able to make my contribution, but it was nice to live that splendid experience with the group.”
An important technical turning point awaits him in Ravenna: in fact, in the roster led by coach Valentini, Pascucci will play the second libero. “It’s a role that has always fascinated and intrigued me, which I also tried during training with the first team. Attacking and scoring is obviously nice but I don’t deny that I really like the technical aspect of defence, I’ve always done receiving, so I gladly accept this role: it will be very stimulating.”
While waiting to dive into the new season, Pascucci will divide the summer between studies for the industrial engineering course of hybrid and electric vehicles at the eCampus online university and seasonal work in a campsite in Milano Marittima, without disdaining training and a few matches of beach to arrive already trained at the start of training.