It will still be “he” who covers captain Fabio Bisi’s back. And to act as the opposite, in the 2024-2025 Belluno Volley squad. “He”, always ready to give his contribution, during the race. To sting from nine meters. And to make himself heard at the net, with his left-handed attacks. “He” is none other than Stefano Antonio Guolla: the twenty-two year old born in Germany, but in all respects from the Dolomites, extends his adventure in blue and white.

COLORS AND WARMTH – «Three years ago – says Guolla – I joined the staff when the season had already begun. I have seen and experienced the company’s evolution path firsthand. And I’m happy to be part of it. Also because it’s exciting to defend the colors of your city and feel the warmth of the public: I like the atmosphere at the Spes Arena, as well as the prospect of everyone growing together, without leaving anyone behind.”

EXPERIENCES – Stefano and the rhinos are returning from a very intense year: «Promotion was only very close, but the fact of having finished the championship as runners-up should still make us enthusiastic about our progress. On a personal level, I consider myself improved from a mental point of view. And I’m also proud of my performances on the pitch.” The opposite also made a significant contribution to the First Division group: «It was a stimulating journey, in which I tried to bring my experiences, gained in Serie A, and pass them on to the younger ones. Without considering that, after a long time, I found myself playing alongside my brother Fiodar: an indescribable emotion. In short, the entire year is worth remembering. Also because I met fantastic people.”

OPEN AIR – The opposite does not exclude the possibility of helping, from time to time, his teammates from Serie D: «I have a lot of trust in the guys who make up the collective. Playing alongside them, I saw and understood what they are capable of doing and achieving. I know they won’t retreat an inch.” Before thinking about the gym, however, there is a summer to live outdoors: «I will spend these months in the open air. In addition to the holidays, to take a break from work, I will focus on myself, so as to be ready for the season that is about to arrive.”

TRAINING – Guolla and Belluno Volley, the story continues: «I intend to train a lot. In this sense, I will try to put my teammates in difficulty in the midweek sessions. Because, if I improve, the collective level consequently increases.