A volleyball based on attack and serve, a team with a very young average age but with a more experienced and ‘older’ sextet compared to the past, a great daily application in the gym and the contribution of experience and knowledge “gained by working at close contact with great coaches, each of whom passed on something to me.” Here is the Consar 2024/25 as outlined by the new coach Antonio Valentini, officially presented this morning in a press conference held at the headquarters of the Consar group, in the presence of the president Veniero Rosetti, the president of Porto Robur Costa 2030 Matteo Rossi, the sporting director Marco Bonitta and Francesco Mollo, coach of the team that won the Del Monte Junior League. And a representation of the kids who accomplished the feat was also present.

The Calabrian coach, who returns to Ravenna after his experience as deputy Bonitta in the SuperLega in the 2020/21 season, and who in the last three seasons has continued to play in the top league in Perugia and Piacenza, did not hide his joy and his satisfaction with this return to Romagna. “I think I gave one of the fastest answers in history in Ravenna – he said – because I had a really good time here. I know the dynamics of this city well: it was one of the places where I worked and integrated better and I was able to appreciate the quality of the work that is done here. And the results of recent years speak clearly. Ravenna is a special city, with an important history, where over the years some of the players who now play in great clubs and have become among the strongest in the world, have grown and shaped themselves and I believe the future will continue to be like this. Ravenna has seen a lot of top level volleyball and I want to help do my best to continue this extraordinary journey. I will have a huge responsibility because next season too we will have very talented athletes on our staff, who will have a very important future.”