When we break up, at least from a sporting point of view, we always break up hoping that sooner or later their respective paths will cross again. Often it is a phrase of circumstance, but other times it is not. Many paths have crossed again in the path of Sieco and the many athletes who have worn her shirt. History repeats itself again because it will be an old flame who will complete the central department, the former fearless Alessandro Arienti.


Growing up in Cesena, it was in his city that Arienti discovered volleyball and “took the lift” from the youth sectors to the first team. With the Cesena players Alessandro will savor the taste of victory starting from Serie C up to bringing the team to Serie B Unica, also passing through the, in the meantime defunct, Serie B2.

It is the Conad Reggio Emilia that for the 2017/2018 season allows him a further step by taking him to play in the Serie A2. The following year it will be Serie B again, but with the ambitious team from Porto Viro determined to take a Serie A3 which they will immediately achieve with him on the pitch. However, Alessandro will play the A3 in Grottazzolina, a team that will prove to be the leader of the Blue Group. The arrival of Covid, however, will put an end to the ride towards the A2 Series.  However, the appointment with the A2 has only been postponed. Alessandro, in the 2020/2021 season plays with Motta Di Livenza and with this he will win the Serie A3 championship. Arienti therefore finds himself back in Serie A2 but not with the Venetians. For the Cesena centre-back comes the call from the more ambitious Castellana Grotte.

Fresh from a troubled season there is a historic volleyball club that slips into Serie A3 but the ambitions of a prompt redemption are more than evident. The team in question is the Sieco Service Impavida Ortona which finds in Alessandro Arienti the right figure to fight for the top places in the Blue Group. After a hiccup start, the Impavidi engage in a long-distance duel with Catania with the Abruzzese nibbling away on points points in an exciting final rush that ends with overtaking first place on the last day of the Regular Season in front of a packed Ortona sports hall. The place of honor in the Blue Group is worth a final with Fano, the first of the White Group.