The ErmGroup San Giustino is starting to take shape and will face its third consecutive experience in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. Alongside middle blocker Augusto Quarta and libero Filippo Moltini, there is now another important confirmation in a key role: Jacopo Biffi, born in 2000, will be the setter of the biancazzurri team for the second year in a row, bringing with him his presence on the taraflex in all the matches played in the recently concluded season: the 24 of the regular season, the 2 of the play-offs and the single match of the quarterfinals of the Coppa Italia Del Monte. Among his numbers, the 29 winning blocks and 16 aces stand out, which in some cases proved decisive. “It is useless to underline my satisfaction – declared the setter from Lombardy – because when you are confirmed in the staff of a team like San Giustino it means that they believe in you and that they have a very interesting project ahead of them. It’s a source of pride for me.” The understanding that was perfected with the attackers, the blocking points and the aces placed: was the past year in crescendo? “Without a shadow of a doubt: it was the first year in which I played in a team that aspired to the play-offs and the objective was achieved. I would say that above all I grew as a player, more as a director than as a hitter, also because at the beginning from nine meters I struggled to serve as I would have liked, then along the way I worked in the gym with the two coaches and at that point I acquired an increasingly effective greater”. What does Biffi expect from the next championship? “I hope that it will be a season without unexpected events, in the sense that there are no injuries or other circumstances that prevent the absence of any players, to ensure that the team can always express itself with its players.” And here is the comment from sporting director Valdemaro Gustinelli: “Biffi’s confirmation represents a sign of continuity. The ownership, the technical staff and myself are satisfied with the athlete’s performance in the past season. Certain team results cannot be achieved if the setter does not provide adequate performances and Jacopo – states Gustinelli – has demonstrated a great sense of work, professionalism and self-sacrifice, revealing those physical characteristics that we had glimpsed during the athlete’s study phase, combined with the great ability to be a “competition animal”. We expect a further leap in quality from him, one that will allow him to be in all respects the “conductor of the team”.