Aurispa DelCar formalizes the hiring of setter Enrico D’Alba, born in Salento in 1998, 185 cm tall. It is a welcome return for D’Alba in the control room, after wearing the same shirt in the 2021/22 Serie A3 season.

D’Alba took his first steps in volleyball, playing in the youth teams of Salve and Alessano, and then made his debut in Serie C with Castellana Grotte, in B1 with Real Gioia and settled in Tricase, playing for four years with the Fulgor shirt. The arrival in Serie A3 took place, in fact, two years ago with Aurispa Libellula, before continuing his career in Galatina and Ruffano, where he played the last Serie B season.

Today he returns to the Serie A3 stage, chosen by Sports Director Antonio Scarascia, who has thus completed the setter department.

D’Alba’s first words reveal all the enthusiasm for having embraced the Aurispa DelCar project: “The emotion is great, because I know all the technical and corporate staff, I meet up with some of my former teammates and I’m happy to return after two years spent away. It’s a very strong bond with this club, an ambitious club, with which I spent wonderful moments. When Sports Director Scarascia called me I had no doubts about the desire to return to what I feel is my home.”