Tommaso Stefani confirmed as opposite of Pallavolo Padova also for the 2024_25 season. Born in 2001, with a height of 210 cm, he arrived in the Padua capital in January 2024, in the middle of the season. During his sporting career he played in A2 with Club Italia Roma, between 2015 and 2019, before reaching the SuperLega with Consar Ravenna, where he remained for the 2019_20 and 2020_21 seasons, and finally in Taranto, 2021_23.

Stefani can boast, in addition to the title won with Michieletto and his teammates in the U21 World Championships, a U19 World Championship won in 2019, a Pre-Junior World Championship and a silver at the U20 European Championship, both won in 2020.

“I am delighted to have been confirmed for the next SuperLega season here in Padua. – began the opposite Juventus player – This year, living this experience firsthand, I realized even more, although I already partly knew it, how unique and stimulating the environment in Padua is, from every point of view. view: the club, the team, the staff, the fans and the city itself. Last year was a challenging one for me, having arrived at the season in full swing. Despite this, the company has decided to trust me, confirming me for next year. I’m over the moon, really.”

Regarding the months spent in Padua last season, he then added: “They were wonderful. Despite arriving in Padua halfway through the championship, I immediately felt welcomed and integrated within the team. The relationship with my teammates and with all the staff has really grown in a flash. The experience in Dubai, for example, represented a real tour de force, but it also allowed me to bond much more with everyone.”

They look to the future, he finally concluded: “On a personal level I want to grow exponentially as much as possible, quickly return to being who I was and above all overcome it, improving myself even more. And as a consequence of this, make the maximum possible contribution to the team and to the entire City of Padua. In short, everything I can offer also to repay the trust they are giving me.”