Another big name from the A2 championship lands in Ravenna. This is the middle blocker Andrea Canella, proud and unyielding opponent of Consar in the season just concluded with Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina, with whom he achieved a historic promotion to the SuperLega. But as an opponent, the 26-year-old center back from Abano Terme, where he was born on 19 January 1998, also met and challenged Ravenna in the five years he spent in the Super League with Volleyball Kioene Padova, a club that marked his entire career, apart from the two years of A2 in Piacenza, in 2018/19, with which he won the championship and Italian Cup, and, of course, Grottazzolina. With Yuasa Battery in the regular season he scored 214 points, with 4 aces and 43 blocks, a personal career best, 21st in the general ranking in this fundamental. Along the way he also won the award for best central defender in 2017 in the Under 19 national finals.
“I leave behind the exhilarating year in Grottazzolina, where I believe a masterpiece was created, with the pride of having contributed to bringing such a small town so high – is the first comment from the new Ravenna native – and I don’t see the It’s time to take full advantage of this attractive and beautiful opportunity to play in a top-notch volleyball club. Especially in this year I have been able to notice how Ravenna works very well and how much passion and competence there is in each component. And the team I saw in action against us and in the championship reached a very high level of competitiveness. The playoff match was an early final and winning against Consar was a great effort. There is a desire and there are the right ambitions to return to those high levels to which Ravenna is accustomed: and this was a determining factor that led me to choose to come here”.
Canella, who will find Copelli as a teammate in Consar, arrives as a sort of lucky charm: two A2 championships played and two promotions with first place. “There’s usually no two without three – he winks – and I really would like that. The conditions for doing well, according to what Bonitta told me, are all there. I certainly arrive with great enthusiasm and the desire to do even better and gain further satisfaction. The season in Grottazzolina was one of personal redemption for me: now I want to raise the bar higher.”
With the arrival of Canella there are currently eight players – both confirmed and new faces – in the squad available to the new coach Valentini: the setter Russo, the central defenders Canella, Copelli and Grottoli, the spikers Ekstrand, Feri and Tallone and the free Goi.