After those of the coaches with the addition of Davide Marra, another significant confirmation effectively opens the 2024/’25 season of the ErmGroup Pallavolo San Giustino – the third consecutive in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship – and concerns Augusto Quarta. Also for the middle blocker from Bologna, born in 1993 and 2 meters tall, it is the third year in a row with the blue and white shirt, which he is preparing to face with notable numbers relating to the recently concluded championship: 185 points, 5 aces and 68 winning blocks , a great specialty of Quarta as are the attacks in the first half. A fundamental player both for the high technical requirements, which place him above average in the category, and for the balance of the team, also given the caliber of the person. In other words, a guarantee in the true sense of the word, which did not hesitate in pronouncing its “yes” to staying in the Upper Tiber Valley and to the quality of the project launched by the management. “Aside from the fact that I’m getting better and better here – declared Quarta – when I came two years ago I promised myself to give my contribution to make San Giustino make the leap in quality and bring it to A2. I say this because it is a company that, based on its structure and management, fully deserves it. With extreme satisfaction I therefore decided to stay.” And this is also the case for sporting director Valdemaro Gustinelli, who specifies: “Quarta is part of those two-three players who have embraced the project, regardless of who would be the performers next season. We reached an agreement with him almost a month ago, demonstrating how close the athlete is to the club. In addition to this, it should be noted that Augusto undoubtedly falls into the very small group of the best central defenders in the A3 championship and, in my opinion, he is a player who could also aspire to higher categories. The unwritten promise is to achieve similar goals. It is therefore useless to highlight the utmost satisfaction on our part in continuing together next season.”


For a center back who stays, another who says goodbye instead. Marco Bragatto is no longer a member of the ErmGroup San Giustino staff. On behalf of the club, thanks for the seriousness and commitment made and the best wishes for an excellent career continuation to the player, who was a fundamental player in the championship just concluded.