Vero Volley Assiplan Monza deservedly raised the cup to the sky after having deservedly won the national Under 19 men’s title, beating the neighbors of the Diavoli Powervolley Brugherio 3-1 in the San Giustino final in a derby which attracted over a thousand spectators in the stands of the sports hall. The team coached by Mauro Marchetti proved to be the most complete of the entire lot (proof of this are also the individual awards to three of its athletes among the best in each position), despite the fact that the first set went to the opponents’ prerogative, who then in the end in the following match they lost their strong opposite player Chinello due to an ankle injury: a handicap that took its toll in the long run. Opening ceremony complete with the Italian anthem and then we begin: Monza is more effective in defense and reaches its maximum lead at 16-12, Brugherio hits the block more and replies, reaching parity with Viganò’s ace and moving forward by two points until the contested ball resolved by Pertoldi for 22-22. A winning block and Chinello’s counterattack allow the Devils to go 1-0 at 26-24. And on Chinello’s serve, Davide Delmati’s team overcomes the initial gap in a second half which sees Vero Volley press on the accelerator with an exceptional Magliano (in the end, 24 points for him) and with the contributions of Pertoldi and the central Taiwo . Not only that: now the Monza team are making their voices heard even against the block and manage to accumulate an unbridgeable margin, which reaches +8 at 23-15, at which point Chinello leaves the scene due to a sprained ankle; Romano replaces him. Brugherio has a burst of pride, which however only allows him to contain the final gap in more acceptable terms (20-25). The third set initially sees the Devils more toned and, thanks again to the block, they lead 11-8; however, precisely at this juncture the rosanero begin their downward trajectory in the presence of a Monza who triggers Pertoldi and the usual Magliano, plus a Taiwo who is also good at blocking; the hands out of the opposite Frascio scores the 25-19 which means 2-1 for Vero Volley. The fourth and final half has little history, also because what kicks off the future Italian champions are a parallel out by Garello and an invasion (9-5), followed by Pertoldi’s counterattack and Taiwo’s first half.