Ahmed Ikhbayri will be part of the Modena Volley roster for the 2024/2025 season. The opposite of Libyan nationality, born in 1996, has just completed two seasons playing in the Korean championship. In the past he also collected experience in the Serbian and Slovenian championships with the Maribor shirt with which he also played in the Champions League. In his individual palmares he boasts the conquest of the title of best opposite at the 2023 African Championships and that of top scorer of the 2022 Slovenian championship.

The board
born in Sabha (LIBYA) on 1 November 1996
Opposite of 200cm tall

2024-2025 Modena Volleyball
2023-2024 Cheonan Hyundai Capital Skywalkers
2022-2023 Daejeon Samsung Bluefangs
2020-2022 Merkur Maribor
2019-2020 OK Nis

Palmares in the clubs
1 Slovenian Championship

Palmares in the national team
1 African Championship