Matteo Zamagni is the new middle blocker of ABBA Pineto. Third and important reinforcement for the white and blue team, which ensures the performance of the expert player fresh from his experience with the Delta Group Porto Viro shirt. Born in 1989, originally from Cesena, Matteo Zamagni represents an excellence of the Serie A2 Credem Banca, a category in which next year, for the first time with Pineto, he will play the fields for the 14th season, the ninth in a row. Many shirts in his career: said from Porto Viro, Zamagni previously played with Castellana Grotte, Reggio Emilia, Siena, Spoleto, Matera, Potenza Picena and Perugia; his debut among the seniors dates back to 2005 with Bellaria from Romagna.

Important palmares: an Italian Cup and an A2 championship won with Reggio Emilia in 2022 and, in the same category, two other championships won in 2011 again with the Ravenna team and in 2012 with Perugia.

ABBA Pineto has secured a player with important skills both as a blocker – 195 centimeters for the new center back – and in the attacking phase. In the 2023/24 season Zamagni guaranteed a total of 199 points for Porto Viro, of which 147 in attack and 45 in blocks (with the addition of seven aces). He has already reached four figures in his career: 1052 total points in the Serie A2 championship.

The first words of the new blue and white central defender Matteo Zamagni: “Obviously I am very happy to arrive in Pineto. I am happy to meet Paolo Di Silvestre again, with whom I got along very well during the year in Castellana. I can’t wait to get to know the environment, in particular the fans who I have already seen when I came to play there in season: the environment is really warm and the fans can be the extra man of our season . The Pala Santa Maria will have to become our fort. We will immediately need to create a good group. I will be one of the oldest in terms of age, so I hope to be a point of reference for the younger ones and to give my help to the whole team. I’m already excited and can’t wait to get started.”