Emma Villas and Consoli Sferc Centrale del Latte will meet for the sixth and final time of the season on Sunday at 7pm and they will play everything in one match: whoever wins will access the two-day match in Cuneo on 11 and 12 May which will award the Del Monte Serie A2 Italian Cup.

Brescia graced their home court on Wednesday with a majestic performance that allowed them to overcome the Tuscans in five sets and now they can win with any result or lose in the tie-break and play it in the golden set at 15 points, the last emotion of this long series of challenges. Siena, on the other hand, just has to win, and if they do it with a 3-0 or 3-1, they will gain the pass without further worries.

Coach Zambonardi is determined: “We are satisfied with Wednesday’s victory, even though we have seen once again how matches at this level are decided by small details. Another battle awaits us in Siena in which the Tuscans will play everything, taking advantage of their excellent hitters first and foremost. We will need even more attention to contain the home serve and to respond with as much pressure in that fundamental. It will be a race as difficult as it is exciting: we are doing everything we can to get to the finish line in Cuneo.”

The starting sextets will be the same as those who played in Brescia, with captain Tiberti at Klapwijk, Cominetti and Abrahan at the back, Erati and Candeli at center and Pesaresi libero. Coach Graziosi will deploy Nevot as director crossed with Krauchuk, Trillini and Copelli in the center, Pierotti and Tallone in the flank with Milan ready to switch, and Bonami in the role of libero.