A few days after the splendid game 3 of the playoff semi-final, which closed his championship, and a week from the double match with Tinet Prata (Wednesday 1 May in Friuli, Sunday 5 at Pala De Andrè) which is worth a place in the final four of the Cup Italy, Porto Robur Costa 2030 wanted, in a press conference held this morning at the Consar Group headquarters, to draw up the balance of this sporting year and provide the first previews of the year to come. Present were the patron, Veniero Rosetti, president of Consar, Matteo Rossi, president of Porto Robur Costa 2030 and vice-president of Consar, the sports councilor of the Municipality of Ravenna Giacomo Costantini and the coach and sporting director Marco Bonitta. And it was the latter who made the first news official, starting with his farewell to the Ravenna bench, but not to the club: he will go to coach in the United States one of the six franchises that will start the first American women’s professional championship in January 2025 but before starting preparations overseas – at the end of September – will bring forward the market to set up the staff of the first team, “and there will also be time to set the guidelines for all the programming, to meet the managers of the various sectors, to define the work on the youth teams and also follow the start of the first team’s preparation. The project of the new American League was strongly supported by the US Federation in synergy with the universities to allow the girls who leave there to play in their home country. But players from other parts of the world will also arrive. A very fascinating project, which gives me the opportunity to come into contact with the US volleyball world which is experiencing a moment of great popularity.”
Several players in the squad will also change, but the club “will start again with the foundations and principles that inspired the current three-year project – added Bonitta – which will however remain centered on young people and will guarantee the competitiveness of the team. We lose some players, among them Bovolenta, Orioli and Mancini, but I speak in favor of them and their sense of gratitude: if we had risen to the Super League they would have remained in Ravenna, a responsible attitude of guys who understood what the club has done for They”. And today’s news is that Alessandro Bovolenta is on the list of 30 players called up by coach De Giorgi for the various phases of the 2024 Volley Nations League, which will start on May 22nd with the first concentration in Brazil.
The president of Consar Veniero Rosetti wanted to underline, among the very positive notes of this year, the behavior of the players.