Geetit Bologna will face Pallavolo Motta for the second day in the halfway point of the White Group of Serie A3 Credem Banca. The two teams will meet within the walls of the Grassato Sports Hall at 6pm on Saturday 6 January 2023.

The clash will not be among the simplest for the rossoblù team, which comes from a defeat in the tie break against Gamma Chimica Brugherio and a position in the standings that is not yet excellent. The Venetians for their part have just changed technical staff, first achieving a clear victory against Belluno (3-0), but then losing against Acqui Terme in the first return leg 3-1. There will therefore be a desire for redemption on both sides, who will not spare themselves on the pitch of the Palazzetto di Grassato.

In the second first leg the balance had shifted towards Motta, after a very hard-fought match which ended in a tie break 12-15. The two teams therefore start in an apparent state of balance, and Bologna will have to be good at playing their game to impose themselves and make the most of their opponents’ moments of difficulty.

Alessio Sitti: “The match is certainly as important as it is difficult. For the purposes of the standings, scoring points on a pitch like Motta would be very nice, and also in terms of mood given that we come from a home defeat in which, with a few more precautions, we could and should have done better, bringing home another result. On the other hand, however, we play against excellent opponents who have also changed management, and their place in the standings perhaps does not even fully reflect theirs value. They too are coming off a defeat in the last match and will want to redeem themselves and resume their journey. It will certainly be a great battle in which we will also find our now former coach. We are preparing to the best of our ability, we are working all day days in the gym with consistency and dedication, and we hope that the pitch on Saturday proves us right and shows us the fruit of the work done during the week.”