The fifth match with Gamma Chimica Brugherio is on the horizon: a team that Belluno Volley will face on Sunday 26 November (6pm, at the Spes Arena). And with whom Credem Banca has already come face to face in the last two Serie A3 championships. The budget? He smiles at the rhinos: three victories against just one defeat.

Last year, Gian Luca Colussi’s group achieved all six points available, in the double match with the young Lombard team: from 3-1 on 16 October 2023, with four elements in double figures in the Lambioi match , to another 3-1, achieved in the Milanese hinterland. It was last January 8th and, despite a false start (25-21 for the Pink Devils in the first set), the Belluno team then managed to impose their volleyball and win the second, third and fourth rounds with momentum.

Full loot in the safe, then. As in the very first match between the two teams: in Brugherio, exactly two years ago. A clear 3-0, the result of a great collective effort. And on the wall. The only stain? It dates back to February 20, 2022: after the feat in the midweek recovery against Macerata, the Dolomite sextet shows up with empty batteries for the appointment. And Gamma Chimica took advantage of it, winning 3-1 thanks to 21 points from Aleksandar Mitkov: a Bulgarian spiker who now plays on the A2 floors and wears the Grottazzolina shirt.

Finally, Sunday could be a special match for at least a couple of athletes: Matteo Mozzato, just 2 points away from 500 in Serie A. And Schiro, 3 away from 200.