Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza participates in the “The House of Sport Volunteers” project, a global initiative that connects qualified volunteers with host organisations, such as sports organisations, event organisers, NGOs, foundations and other strategic partners in sport and beyond .

And Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza is the only Italian sports club to be part of this project. The House of Sports Volunteers represents a virtual platform for sports volunteering and aims to facilitate the participation of volunteers in sporting events of any size. But it is not just a showcase of sports-based projects, it also provides a global database of sports volunteer profiles, volunteering opportunities and a unique offering of training, educational programs and certification of skills and competences.

For Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza the lawyer Luca Tosini was present at the virtual inauguration of the “The House of Volunteers” platform.

“It is a source of pride for us – he underlined – to be the only Italian sports club pioneering a project of this caliber. We have always been attentive and available to provide our support to initiatives that use sport as a vehicle for the promotion of the values ​​of social inclusion and integration and we are confident that we will be able to host volunteers from our territory or from all over the world at PalabancaSport. ”.

CEO of Save the Dream is a native of Piacenza, Massimiliano Montanari, who has been based in Qatar for years.

“Volunteering is a very important step – he underlined – to create skills, contribute to the common good, including sport and prepare young people to enter the world of work. I am very happy with the birth of the World House of Sports Volunteering and even more so to see among its founding members a sports club from Piacenza, Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza”.

The launch of the House of Sports Volunteers took place through a virtual kick-off meeting, which brought together experts from a range of institutions, international organisations, NGOs, representatives from the world of sport, grassroots initiatives and academia. After years of research and testing implemented thanks to the support of the European Union, The House is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other United Nations frameworks such as UNESCO Fit for Life. The House is an open and voluntary initiative; Individuals and organizations can easily join The House and access opportunities through its dedicated digital platform