After the official presentation the team immediately engaged in joint training at the PalaCosta in Ravenna; the training fought until the end saw the teams draw 2-2.


Consar Ravenna – Conad Reggio Emilia: 2-2

25-18(21′), 22-25(25′), 20-25(24′), 25-21(23).


Caciagli 0, Mariano 10, Sesto 2, Sperotto 2, Catellani 2, Maiocchi 1, Gasparini 7, Bonola 2, Torchia (L), Moltini (L), Volpe 3, Marks n.e., Guerrini 6, Suraci 14.

Coaches: Fabio Fanuli, Tommaso Zagni.


Mengozzi 7, Chiella (L), Capiozzo 0, Russo 5, Arasomwan 14, Bartolucci 11, Goi (L), Mancini 3, Feri 7, Grottoli 3, Menichini 2, Falardeau 12, Rossetti 6.

Coaches: Marco Bonitta, Francesco Guarnieri.

Notes Reggio Emilia: ace 8, service error 11, reception  59%, attack 40%, blocks 6.

Ravenna notes: ace 6, service error 28, reception 59%, attack 50%, blocks 14.