Eliminate plastic as much as possible during sporting activity, raise awareness of players and fans on the impact of plastic in everyday life for our future on the planet and participation of athletes in environmental cleaning days. With these objectives, the partnership was signed between the men’s Super League club Allianz Powervolley Milano and Plastic Free Onlus, the voluntary organization committed since 2019 to combating plastic pollution.

“We begin a path of collaboration with a reality that embraces many of our values ​​– declares Lucio Fusaro, president of Allianz Powervolley Milano – Protecting the environment must be at the center of the agenda of each of us and in particular of those like Allianz Powervolley Milan works with many young people. We know that thinking about a world without plastic in sport today is an impossible task, but starting to raise everyone’s awareness of its correct use, recycling and disposal of bottles and other containers is our civic duty. With this in mind, we will try to participate with our athletes in the initiatives promoted by Plastic Free in Milan.”

“Sport can play a crucial role towards greater awareness of the excess of plastic that pervades our daily lives – declares Luca De Gaetano, founder and president of Plastic Free Onlus – and can act as a sounding board for athletes and fans to help change , through small but decisive gestures, our lifestyle. We are very happy to continue our collaborations with the sporting world with which we hope to raise awareness of more and more citizens towards an issue that is more pressing every day. And we are proud – he concludes – to do it with Allianz Powervolley Milano which attracts a huge audience to the arenas every week. A heartfelt thanks to the company and a sincere good luck to the athletes for plastic free victories!”.